By the way, Mr.Nise-Yamada, please listen to me for a moment. Although it has not much relation with the thread. Yesterday, I went to Yoshino-ya in my neighborhood. Yoshino-ya, you know ? Then, I didn't know why but there was crowded with customers, so I couldn't take a seat. So, I looked around well, and found a banner apparently hung down, said '\150 off'. Astonished ! You silly !? or stupid !? Hey you ! Don't come to Yoshino-ya which do not come usually, for \150 off at most, you blockhead ! It's \150, one hundread fifty yen ! There were apparently parents and sons. Whole family of four came to Yoshino-ya ? So wanting ! He said, 'Well, dad will order the extra-serving !' I can't stand seeing them. Hey you, I will give you \150 so get out. Yoshino-ya should be bloody more. It's not wonderful whenever a quarrel may happen with a person sitting on the seat of the opposite side of the talbe of the form of the character of U, and stab or be stabbed -- atmosphere like that is suitable. Withdraw, you women and children. Moreover, at long last I took a seat, those who are sitting next to me said, 'large-serving and extra-soup, please'. So I burst into a fury again. Hey guy, extra-soup is not in fashion nowadays, you foolish. Making a proud face, what saying, 'extra-soup' ? Do you seriously want to eat the extra-soup serving ? I want to ask, question closely, press you for an answer for almost an hour. You, real intention, want only to say 'extra-soup', aren't you ? If allowed to say from me, as well-informed about Yoshino-ya, now, the newest fashion between well-informed about Yoshino-ya is 'extra-onion serving'. We restrict to this. Large-serving and extra-onion with an egg. This is the order of well-informed. As for the extra-onion serving, more onions are served, but on the other hand less meat. This is important. And, unites with it, large-serving and an egg. This is strongest. However, if you order this, you also be accompanied by risk of being marked on a salesclerk from the next. It's the sword of many edges. This cannot recommend to an amateur. Now, Mr.Nise-Yamada as very amateur, may eat just 'meat and salmon table d'hote'. >訳者コメント ない頭絞って自力で訳しました… 従って文法滅茶苦茶。 とりあえず違裁慨スマソと謝っておきます 上記訳文は、 2ch『ゲームに出てきそうな兄弟姉妹ネタ、その2』 499-502より転載しました。